Oculus Quest 2 — Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset — 256 GB

 Oculus Quest 2: Advanced All-In-One Virtual Reality Headset - 256 GB

Next-level Hardware: Everything has to happen faster and in higher detail with our faster processors and our highest-resolution displays.

An All-In-One Gaming Set- You will be able to access all of the games and Quest content libraries with backward compatibility.

Imagine the whole immersion of seeing a show live, catching a new film, taking part in an exclusive event, or getting the finest seat in the house.

Quest 2 needs you to sign in to your Facebook account, which makes it simple to connect with friends in VR and explore various global communities.

Simple Setup - All you have to do is open the box, configure using the smartphone app, and enter VR. A PC or a console is not required. The setup process requires the use of a Wi-Fi connection and the Oculus software (free download).

Equipped with a beautiful screen with 50% more pixels than the original Quest, the Premium Display displays every detail.

Relaunched Oculus Touch controllers provide an immediate, natural sense of movement inside VR with precise controls.

[Product Overview]

With Oculus Quest 2, we've created the most sophisticated all-in-one VR system ever. Every element has been meticulously designed to provide you with total flexibility in your virtual experience. 

There is no PC or console needed for playing PAP! By adding next-generation visuals and rapid speed, you'll be able to harness the full power of each moment. Keep your eyes on the prize with the ultimate screen, which has 50% more pixels than the original Quest. You may either go and be more physically active, or sit in the front row for activities such as concerts, special parties, and more. 

The new Touch controllers are designed with better ergonomics and easy controls, making them excellent VR controllers. With an Oculus Link connection, you can hook up your Oculus Rift to a gaming-compatible computer to play hundreds of PC VR games and experiences. Quest 2 is like an adventure where you may bring your buddies along. 

The advantage of live casting is that you may broadcast your VR experience to others in the room with you. This might be a good opportunity to hang out with pals in a virtual environment where we can challenge each other to head-to-head multiplayer battles or simply spend time together. 

Oculus Quest 2 takes virtual reality experiences to the next level by giving you an endless list of things to do, see, and discover.

[Customer's Review]


Perfection - incredible sharpness! My suspending my disbelief is now that much simpler, now that I have bumped the pixel density up once more. In this case, the leap is majestic! This is by far the greatest reason of grabbing an Oculus Quest 2, because it has a resolution of 1832 x 1920 per eye. Lines are well defined and the color is vibrant. When we're talking about virtual reality, the LCD provides a clearer picture than the OLED display. Who would have guessed, right? Every single pixel on the screen will be magnified using the lenses, thus the layout of the pixels will matter. And in contrast to OLED screens, the LCD layout is more compact. To be honest, the blacks may seem less contrast, but in return you will not have to cope with the god-rays or that screen door effect.

Smoothness even at the default 72Hz, provided by refresh rate! If the 90Hz setting is enabled in the beta mode, this tethered version of the wifi may return to where we were expecting to see just the tethered ones.

the tracking is equal to Quest 1 and is almost identical to the Rift S We don't think there's a way to further optimize Constellation Tracking on the CV1, but they've done an amazing job with Inside-Out Tracking. Using accelerometers in the hand controllers, we can follow subjects far out to the sides and even behind the head. You may feel a little jitter while pulling back with your bow or shooting a tightly shouldered submachine gun, since algorithms are only "guessing" where the controllers are in these extreme areas. Hand tracking should also be discussed (pun very much so intended, lol). If you'd like, you may completely forego the controls and use your hands to interact with your virtual world. So yet, just a small percentage of titles are supported, although this is expected to improve over time. The sensors only follow your hands as long as you are able to maintain them inside the camera's field of view.

Thanks to this new function, the Guardian got a major update as well. The pass-through function kicks in when one walks beyond a specified limit to show the outside world to the viewer. With this instance, the black-and-white video stream is oriented more precisely and has far less graininess. The boundary setting is very easy. Simply click the headset to reveal any modifications, and you will see those changes as soon as you put the headset on.

Controllers—they have a more solid and substantial feel than previous CV1 and developer models, much like the ones that came with them. To far, I have never had any problems with my battery covers as they have allegedly loosened on prior versions. But, for those who are concerned, you may rest assured that these coverings are not going away. I find it interesting how people grow accustomed to something being one way and dislike any kind of change, especially with the arrival of the S and Quest, which seemed weak and tiny in comparison to previous controllers. By shrinking the object back to its previous size, a whole other group is angry because they are now too big.

A much lighter and less harsh on the skin than the other products. However, the elastic straps are robust and hold the headset in place. I can't really claim that the padding that sits on your face is as robust as the Quest 1. Whether or whether it will stand the test of time remains to be seen.

Crossover smoothly from Quest 1 to Quest 2: Purchases made in Quest 1 all effortlessly transition to Quest 2.

Plugging into one's high-end gaming PC enables the Rift S to exceed it in clarity, as well as opens up new possibilities in content sharing.

Audio — We are able to use our own headphones. Because of the 3.5mm headphone connector, we have the ability to improve what we are hearing by amplifying it via the default amplifier. Getting yourself a good pair of Sony, Bose, or Sanheisers—any of them will glide over the elastic straps better than the default alternative.


Audio suffices, although audio experts agree that audio enhancement is still available. There's a tin-can shrillness in the mid-high frequencies, but I think I'm picking up a little stronger bottom response. It's very unpleasant. This is most likely hardware or speaker positioning; otherwise, I'm not sure whether this is based on a title. I would not be shocked if we saw a software update soon for the Rift S and Quest 1, since both devices also had problems during the beginning stages.

Interpupillary distance (IPD) - I'm pleased to note that the mechanical interpupillary distance settings have remained the same. Although they allow only three variants, unfortunately (58, 63, and 68mm). For the most part, this will be more than adequate for the average user, although there may be those who detect a lack of refinement in some areas of the screen. IPD was where the Rift S totally failed (with regards to software correction, the Rift S did not successfully show the lenses), which is why Quest 2 is more advantageous than the Rift S. I liked the way Quest 1 dealt with this change (keeping the slider on the exterior of the object instead of having new links), but this extra hardware would definitely raise the price. I'm between the ages of 65 and 68, therefore I fall between the notches marked 63 and 68. I have yet to develop a headache from it, and my brain and eyes seem to adapt to the variability. Contacting your optometrist is an excellent idea. Your precise IPD number may be provided to you. But you'll find that the majority of people say that +/- a millimeter or two won't have any impact. The margin of error will naturally vary if you do your own IPD readings. Additionally, if you are just pursuing whatever “feels right”, then you will totally abandon accuracy. The vast majority of individuals already used the settings in the prior sentence, thus the three options are designed to meet the needs of most people from the outset. You may be experiencing headaches because of your monitor. But the reason may be related to your refresh rate, field of view, distance between your eyes and the lens, peripheral vision, or the level of difficulty your brain is having in focusing on distant things. 3D movies may cause headaches, so virtual reality headsets probably will too.

Spacers provided in the glasses will assist but there's still a possibility for the lenses and frames to rub against one other. The individual's fingertip will rub the lenses of the oculus as well as my polycarbonate Rx lenses. This is very important for me as I look for 3rd party solutions.

UPDATE: I discovered that these silicone spacers fit the Oculus lenses perfectly and help keep them in place. It's all scratched up now.

Color: I'm an adult who cares for their equipment, and even so, I get sweaty when playing games that require a lot of physical effort. You are correct in that regardless of the color, sweat-drenched fabric and foam parts of the headset need washing and disinfection on a regular basis. But I believe that the lighter makeup will ultimately get discolored regardless of whether it is cleaned or not. Light grey may not be a good friend to you if you have dirty children or teenagers, or if you do not practice excellent hygiene yourself.

You'll have to connect your Facebook account to the headset to use it. You're correct. In the product description, it says as much... right? We should all re-read the terms of service for all of our linked gadgets because if any of us still believe that anonymity still exists on the internet, then we are delusional. This move isn't the greatest, but what other options do we have?

On a more positive note, as of late, I've heard that if Facebook blocks your social network account, it makes all of our Oculus headsets completely inoperable. If there are no alternative solutions, that is really screwed up. It makes me upset, too! I'm talking about it. If I bought the hardware and all the games, but I was unable to use it because of anything beyond of my control, it's as if I would be getting my money back at the very least. I haven't had any problems. Hopefully we can hear the people's cries and have this resolved soon. For now, we're free from having to pay for subscriptions.

purchases: Purchases stated previously are seamless between Quest 1 and Quest 2, which use the same interface. While moving from Rift S to the Quest, it is up to the producer to decide whether or not the end user will have to pay for the title a second time. This is particularly annoying since it makes all purchases dependent on one single account. If we want to play with or against each other in multiplayer games, all three of our headsets need to be connected to different Facebook accounts. “In-home multiplayer” therefore requires that we buy the same game THREE times in order to work.

New information: I have discovered that “Walkabout Mini Golf” allows me to play with friends against each other on all three of my headsets. This is the real deal. I can see my daughter and her buddy standing on the putting green and they are both waiting to have their turn as we all go around the course together.


Cooling fan: The cooling fan will activate whenever you are playing processor-intensive games, since there is no way to disguise it. That is indeed a fan, as I can hear it. However, decent air movement in an enclosed system produces a noise. Nevertheless, this noise is not loud to the point of being described as "loud." To put it another way, the ability to process data faster is just a minor compromise in order to have a greater computing resource directly attached to your face.

The microphone? When I speak, everyone appears to be able to hear me well. As far as headphones go, it's certainly not top-of-the-line like RØDE or Sennheiser, but I didn't expect it to be. It is ready to receive all of the sound waves I aim at it. It is the only time I ever hear anything strange. It is when someone's microphone/headphone levels are off or their sound isn't properly recorded. However, they are all headsets. Your next single isn't going to include you singing, is it? Is there anybody in the audience that noticed a significant change in mics? None of these headsets provide "great audio" hardware, so to sum up, take what you will from the audio and concentrate on the fundamental issues.

Direct sunlight may damage the cameras. The lenses aren't even lenses — they're simply magnifying glasses. When you scorched those ants, how did they feel? Shame on you. Please go to the Oculus website and read up on the product you bought for further information, but the main thing to keep in mind is, “Do not use the Oculus Rift outdoors in the middle of the day.”

Works well in very low light, but does not work in total darkness. These cameras are IR sensors, not IR cameras. In order for the sensors to detect IR light, they need light. I'm ready to leave once the light is turned on. To assist you in when it is too dark, the Quest 2 will now display a popup notification letting you know. With too many windows and reflections in the space, tracking becomes tricky. If your gadgets happen to be “phased up” to the frequency of the lights, you may notice some “glitching”.

Battery life is said to be 24 hours." As a result of the improved performance, the duration of this item is shorter than the Quest 1. There are external battery choices. Alternatively, you can always get a lengthy USB-C cable and connect it into your controller as you play. This isn't cordless until that time, but it's good enough to get me by till I'm ready to end my workday.

The conclusion of this review has a short prologue (an introduction to the remainder of the review).

My first hands-on encounter with a virtual reality (VR) headset occurred when I tried the VFX1 in the 1990s. Because of their resolution of around 240 degrees per eye, 256-color monitor settings, along with poor tracking and movement lag, any of today's headsets is an amazing blessing in contrast. These early gaming systems were completely new, but could only run a small number of games, such as Descent, Quake, and some flight simulator. True, though...until you'd get a headache or have your operating system fail, whatever happened first, haha.

With this in mind, while we may be able to identify the faults in these goods, I am nevertheless happy to use any of these gadgets. Those older mobile phone VR rigs are orders of magnitude more capable and cheaper than previous rigs. And our most basic cell phone VR rigs have the processing capability of older PCs. You will have to make a decision based on your degree of entitlement, expectation, and/or brand loyalty. This is my gift to you.


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